'If you have not Linked yourself To true emptiness, You will never understand The Art of Peace.'
A tervet követve szerettem volna az első kör komplexum után csinálni egy lovaglóállást, már bemelegedett lábakkal, de a gyakorlatot megszakította egy telefonhívás. így csak utána…
'The Art of Peace is medicine for a sick world. There is evil and disorder in the world because people have forgotten that all things emanate from one source. Return to that source and leave behind all self-centered thoughts, petty desires, and anger. Those who are possessed by nothing possess…
Negyvenhatodik nap
Címkék: aikido tai chi lovaglóállás száz napos kihívás kompelxum morihei ueshiba the art of peace
2013.03.28. 10:20
'All things, material and spiritual, originate from one source and are related as if they were one family. The past, present, and future are all contained in the life force. The universe emerged and developed from one source, and we evolved through the optimal process of unification…
'Beyond just learning an external form or forms, a student's emphasis "must" also focus on applying the "essential" internal principles of Taijiquan as specified by the Taiji classics, such as.....sinking , roundness , using the mind and not force, applying of the "Yi" (heart/mind), "Qi" (energy)…
Negyvennegyedik nap
Címkék: lovaglóállás komplexum tai chi chuan száz napos kihívás
2013.03.26. 08:46
'One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train.'
A hóesés miatt lassan kezdem megint úgy érezni, hogy jön a Mikulás, de most nem szarvarok húzta szánkóval, hanem…